moon in aries december 23 2020

It is a day on which you have to defend yourself against abuse, emotional violations, border crossing and manipulation! Be aware of your own rights and strengthen your personal limits. Ask questions like "Is what you do fair, is it really equal?" against repression or legal violations in personal matters and your work. Stay calm in your own space without colliding one on one with anyone and act confidently, not with anger but with courage instead of acting with fear. The moon moves in Aries all day. You can make positive progress on interviews, phone, mail, and written work between 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. and get what you expect. You can positively evaluate this period of time to enter into a new agreement or contract, sign a rental agreement, create an itinerary, benefit from training, or take a step in the education field. Again, it is possible to receive an expected message. Staying away from all kinds of discussion and tension, especially in emotional matters and personal life, will prevent possible breakups or conflicts after 10:00 p.m. The risk of developing headaches, migraines and accidents is higher today.

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