The moon continues its course in Taurus. Towards the morning hours, the square of Mercury and then the square of Jupiter are experienced between 9:00 and 10:50. Communication, commercial investments, and purchases are not suitable times for evaluating financial resources. Incomplete and erroneous transactions can occur, and unintended steps can cause damage. It is useful to re-examine the contract, documents and correspondence. It is important to protect what you have to avoid regrets. In the range from 8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m., it is necessary not to overdo the appetite with the Neptune harmony.
You can be productive at home. You can do cleansing and meditation exercises by leaving the benefits of the day behind. Today the sun is in Pisces. Logic and objectivity are gradually being replaced by more subjective evaluations. Our intuitive, emotional, spiritual perspective can increase and we can focus on the needs of our surroundings. While we tend to be helpful, to show compassion and sympathy, we may want to escape into our own imaginations. The month-long process has begun in which we are quickly influenced by the feelings and thoughts of others.